You asked for an NA beer? We went one step further.
Introducing WOKE cold-filtered nitro-infused coffee, made in collaboration with 2-time Best of Madison Coffee Roasters, Rusty Dog Coffee.
"Get WOKE, go broke. That's what they say, right?
Well, we've been WOKE for over 2 years now and it seems to be working for us.
Being WOKE means having an awareness that your government is mostly working for the rich--not so much for the rest of us.
Being WOKE means seeing injustice, knowing that society can and must do better, and then deciding to be part of the solution.
Being WOKE also means waking up to the fact that a lot of the people that like your brand don't drink alcohol, and want you to make a product that they'll drink to support you.
Being WOKE also means realizing that the alcohol laws in Wisconsin that forbid brewers from shipping beer to customers are meant to give distributors (in cahoots with the Wisconsin Tavern League) a chokehold on our industry.
Well, there ain't any laws that tell us we can't send you some kick-ass, nitro-infused coffee that LITERALLY WAKES YOU UP.
We're overjoyed by the taste of our proof-of-concept coffee collaboration with our new friends Rusty Dog Coffee out of Madison, WI.
We're currently making a small batch of WOKE to ensure that what you get is as good as what we tasted, so pre-order a six pack today while supplies last for delivery in early April.