Billboard, Beer Parties, and Cynicism-free Patriotism

Billboard, Beer Parties, and Cynicism-free Patriotism

Hi Folks,

I've got a lot of news for you this week. While I was in Sonoma helping my new partners at Equality Vines send you all the Choice Sauvignon Blanc you pre-ordered last month, my Super PAC team was busy putting your donations and our beer money to work to help get progressive judge Janet Protasiewicz elected on April 4th.

From the pictures below, you can see that we've now got giant billboards supporting Janet up in Wausau and La Crosse, and we're in the process of putting billboards up in Superior, Menonomie, and Richland Center. One correction to the map I sent last week--I thought the billboard in Menonomie (west of Eau Claire) was actually going up in Menomonee Falls, (Waukesha), so my map last week was wrong.

Now before I ask you to dig deep and chip in one last time for these signs (after this week it will be too late to get them made before the election), I want to explain my philosophy on why billboards work, but why the Democratic Party generally avoids spending money on them.

Why do I think billboards work? Because I live in rural Minocqua, where there are many soul-crushing "Let's Go Brandon" and "Trump 2024" signs up, and where Democrats, who make up AT LEAST 40% of the population in these bright red rural areas, often mistakenly think they're ALL ALONE and avoid standing up for their progressive beliefs just to get along in their communities and professions.

This is wrong. There's a lot of us out here, but because we're generally more thoughtful and empathetic than the other side, we often aren't as LOUD--and thus can get intimidated and become less politically involved as a result.


Now, for the other side of the argument.

"Signs don't vote. People vote. You can't measure the effects of a billboard, but you can count how many people you call and how many doors you knock. We must spend campaign dollars on measurable organizing," said most every progressive political consultant I've ever "consulted."

Well, if you look at most every political poll we've had since Trump was elected, the things we've "measured" haven't been all that accurate. You can't measure how important it is to feel like you're part of patriotic team working together, and I think our rural billboards help give people a sense that they're part of a team and NOT ALL ALONE--and I think this is SO VERY IMPORTANT.

So folks, while I'm super happy that we've been able to buy 5 billboards in rural Wisconsin, I'd like to buy 4 more in Appleton, Stevens Point, Rhinelander, and Green Bay, and that will take another $15K or so to finish the job. If you can, please chip in here.

Although the Minocqua Brewing Company is focused on getting progressives out to vote in rural Wisconsin, there's no denying that one of the major reasons that our awful senator Ron Johnson won re-election is because of lower-than-average voter turnout in Milwaukee.

Because of this, and because our last Get Out The Vote (GOTV) volunteer recruitment party in Madison was so successful before the February 21st primary, we're going to host another one in Wauwatosa, a city chock-full of young progressives in Milwaukee County.

This time, we've partnered with Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a boots-on-the-ground progressive organizing juggernaut, to sign volunteers up to work GOTV shifts for Janet Protasiewicz during the party.

The Minocqua Brewing Company is providing free beer, food, and live music, and some local political celebrities will rev up the crowd in between sets. We hope to pack the place and recruit hundreds of volunteers to walk the streets of Milwaukee the weekend before the election and convince people to vote.

To reserve your ticket or encourage your friends in Milwaukee to come party with us and volunteer for a shift, please go here.

Now for the fun part.

I'm know I'm asking you all to donate money to put up billboards and buy tickets to a volunteer recruitment party, and I know I ask for money a lot--so I want to sweeten the pot a little bit.

We're going to officially release Choice Rosé tomorrow, which was made by our partner Equality Vines out of Sonoma, CA. I thought it would be fun if I offered a free bottle to anyone who donated over $500 next week to help get Janet elected (Sunday March 5 through Saturday March 11).

And to those that donated over $500 last week, don't think I've forgotten about you. You'll be getting an email soon confirming that I'm sending you a 6-pack of our new WOKE nitro-infused coffee.

I know this upcoming election is way more important to Wisconsin than getting rewarded with wine or coffee by donating, but saying thanks is important, and I wish I had the time to thank everyone who has donated thus far with a little gift.

That's all I got for this week. Please help us get these billboards up to elect Judge Janet Protasiewicz by donating here, and please tell everyone you know in Milwaukee to come to our GOTV volunteer recruitment party by sending them here.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for continuing to support the Minocqua Brewing Company.

Together, we can change the balance of Wisconsin's Supreme Court and fix our beer, glass of wine, or can of nitro-infused coffee at a time.

Kirk Bangstad
Owner, Minocqua Brewing Company
Founder, Minocqua Brewing Company Super PAC

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