“Gregg, do you think it was appropriate to attack that 3rd grade teacher by name in the Lakeland Times last week for reading a book to her students that featured same-sex relationships?”
“Heather, be quiet and do what you’re told. Remember our safe word is ‘pineapple.’”
“You not only attacked the teacher, but you attacked the school principal for defending her. They are both respected women in Minocqua. Bangstad has repeatedly called you a misogynist for doing the exact same thing to other local women in leadership positions over the years. Don’t you think you should lay off a bit to protect your reputation?
“If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it. Now take the whip out of the drawer and let’s get going.”
“But this woman is an underpaid teacher who loves kids and loves teaching. She can’t defend herself from your attacks because you buy ink by the barrel. Couldn’t you have just written about your beef with LGBTQ+ -friendly curricula without bringing her name into it?”
“There’s a reason you’re my General Manager and I’m the Publisher of The Lakeland Times. I tell you what to do, not vice versa. By the way, I bought a new kind of lube for today’s session. I didn’t like the menthol smell from last month. Don’t waste it. It’s very expensive.”
“Ok, I’m ready to start. I’m turning the Josh Groban soundtrack up now. If you start weeping again, I’ll turn it up louder so you’ll think I can’t hear you.”
“I’ve never cried when you’ve done this before. My eyes just got misty from those menthol smells. Now, make sure you call me ‘Boss’ before you whip me.
“Boss…Is it possible that the reason you attack public school teachers who read books to their students about non-traditional families is because you’re ashamed and confused by your own sexual desires?”
“Ok Boss…Boss…Boss…Boss…Boss…”